FinalBooks Help Center

Configurable Product

Introduction - Configurable Products.

Products are the goods or services that you deal with in your business.

Whenever you Create transactions for your customers or suppliers, you can add these products and their details will be auto-populated.

There are adding products in FinalBooks:

  • Create from Configurable Product creation page
How to Create Configurable Product.
  • Go to the INVENTORY menu and select CONFIGURABLE PRODUCT.
  • Click the + ADD NEW button in the top right of the page.
  • Click TAX tab in the left of the page.
  • Select TAX GROUP and enter the HSN/SAC CODE details in this tab.
  • Click ATTRIBUTES tab in the left of the page.
  • Select ATTRIBUTES in grid.
  • Select OPTIONS in grid if not any option found to new creatable combo.
  • You can add other details such as their DESCRIPTION and CUSTOM FIELDS by navigating through the different tabs at the left of the page.
  • After entering all the details, click SAVE.

Finalbooks Create Configurable Product

Selling PricePrice at which you sell the product to your customers. This price will be reflected on your sales transactions like invoices, sales orders, etc.
Purchase PricePrice at which you buy the product from your suppliers. This price will be reflected on your purchase transactions like bills, purchase orders, etc.
Manage InventorySelect Manage Inventory to Track Inventory for this product.
Opening StockQuantity of the product which you have in hand on the opening balance date.
Reorder LevelAfter the stock of the product reaches this level, you will receive a notification.
Tax GroupSelect the tax rates GST to be applied on the product (can be changed in transactions).
Custom FieldsAssign a default value for the custom fields of the product.
How to Edit Configurable Product.
  • Go to the INVENTORY menu and select CONFIGURABLE PRODUCT.
  • Click Action-->Edit in the right of the list.
  • After updating all details, click UPDATE.

Finalbooks Edit Configurable Product

How to Delete Configurable Product.
  • Go to the INVENTORY menu and select CONFIGURABLE PRODUCT.
  • Select Action-->Delete.
  • Click DELETE IT to confirm.

Finalbooks Delete Configurable Product

How to Convert Configurable Product in Bundle Product.
  • Go to the INVENTORY menu and select CONFIGURABLE PRODUCT.
  • Click Action-->Convert to Bundle in the right of the list.
  • After updating all details, click SAVE.

Finalbooks Convert in Bundle Product

How to Create Configurable Product.

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How to Convert Configurable Products into Bundle Products.

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